Hello, I’m Chichi!
    Would you like to request My own metaverse space

    Please fill out the form below and we will contact you through the official account!
    Please enter a messenger and SNS nickname we can contact you with.

    1. Please enter a messenger and SNS nickname we can contact you with. *
    2. If you have a desired space, please describe it in as much detail as possible. If no detailed description is provided, a basic space will be created.
    3. Who is this space for? Please upload the photos and videos you want to place in the space.
    4. If you have any additional requests or messages for Chichi, please let us know!
    Do you agree to the collection and use of personal information, and the receipt of marketing information? *If you do not agree, your space creation request cannot be completed.
    I agree
  1. Additional product purchases may be required based on the request details.
  2. Requests for spaces with inappropriate photos and videos may be rejected.